Phuket, Thailand
Feeding, Education, Housing
Who We Help
For more than twenty years, World Children's Fund has been providing educational opportunities and food relief for impoverished Thai children and their families. Children in the programme often live with an elderly grandparent or single mum without the resources to provide adequate food, housing, education, or medical care.
Inspiring Children to Create Ambitious Goals
Generous supporters like you have made it possible to provide:
Pre-school education and early learning
Nutritious meals in an educational setting
Nurse and sick bay on campus
Wellness and safety of children, support and food aid
Scholarship and support for primary grades
Scholarship and support for high school
Scholarship and support for university or vocational training
School uniforms and supplies
Safe house for abused and victimized children
Life Skills Training and workshops throughout educational journey
Construction of classrooms, activity rooms, dining and kitchen facilities
Jobs for local staff and teachers at the learning centre
Jobs for Local Cleaning and Grounds Maintenance Staff
Jobs for local administrative staff
Jobs for mentors who provide management of scholarship students
Learning in a passionate and nurturing environment
Children think big
“These children come from primitive living environments. They don’t have the chance to learn necessary skills at home.”
— Roelien Muller, WCF Asia Liaison and Director of the Programme
WCF Supported Pre-School, Educational Programmes and Safe House