The compound is a vast juxtaposition from the slums of Nairobi. Located in the Kenya suburb of Langata, it is peaceful and filled with shade trees. It is full of joy, play areas and swings. The orphans and vulnerable children living at the center have access to education in the adjacent primary school. They also thrive because of the daily nutritional meals, medical treatment and the love of the house "mums" who care for them each day.
An additional home for older orphaned girls is located approximately two hours by road, southeast of Nairobi. The Makindu home currently houses thirteen girls who have lost their parents. All the girls go to school and love to sing and dance and play.
In response to the overwhelming number of homeless boys roaming the streets, a boy's home for orphans and street children has also been opened Nakuru, the fourth largest city in Kenya.
Jennifer Hatley, our WCF partner has been working in Kenya for twenty-five years. "Our programs are having great impact. It is amazing to watch the progress of all the children in our program. It is empowering to see them become productive and successful despite the hurdles they have had to face so early in life."