Eastern Africa is suffering through the most severe famine and drought in the last sixty years. People, livestock and herds of animals are dying throughout the horn of Africa. World Children's Fund has been delivering food relief in response to the crisis and the overwhelming number of refugees from southern Somalia who are fleeing into neighboring Kenya in search of political peace, food and water.
As scores of Somali refugees continue to pour into Kenya, everyone is feeling the strain of limited resources, overcrowding and famine conditions.
Our Kenya based team has been supplying nutritious rice meals to families in distress in geographic locations especially hit hard, like Garissa, Kenya, located near the Somalia border. Recently, we distributed food for about 800 families living in the area. Each family receives an approximate two-week supply of food.
The large boxes of rice meals we distribute to hungry families are filled with small, individual pouches of a nutritious rice mixture that only requires boiling water to prepare. The meals are mainly comprised of rice, but also include soy nuggets for protein, vitamins, minerals and dehydrated vegetables.
The formula was specifically designed to save the lives of severely malnourished and starving children. However, the ingredients also improve the health, growth and physical well being of children and adults who are no longer in immediate danger of starvation.
The need for food in this region has never been greater. -Neither has the need for generosity. Contact us to learn how you can partner with us and deliver more boxes of hope to starving children and their families.